Sunday, June 30, 2013

♡ Update! and what to look out for ♡

♡ Alrighty guys, I'm actually flipping right now... 70 page views in two days!!! ahhh!
You can probably tell I'm not used to this.. haha.

So I thought I might give you all a very quick update and things you can look forward to on this blog.
I'm currently on my Summer holidays (I live in Vietnam), which means I have plenty of spare time on my hands to post any requests you beauty junkies have for me.

I will be off in Australia (I'm Australian, an Aussie living in Vietnam - i've been here for a year now) mid july, so that means I will be purchasing a lot of new beauty things.
However, as I'm only 14 and jobless, I don't have a tonne of money to purchase a lot of things.
It's winter over there, which means if you want a winter look book (or even a summer one) I'd be happy to do one.

So please continue to enjoy my blog! And comment below your suggestions :)

See you soon!


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